OpenNEM is now Open Electricity.
Read about the update.

Open Electricity — An open platform for tracking Australia’s electricity transition.

Our Mission

Formerly OpenNEM, Open Electricity aims to make the wealth of public National Electricity Market (NEM) and Wholesale Electricity Market (WEM) data more accessible to a wider audience.

We hope that improved access will facilitate better public understanding of the market, improve energy literacy and help facilitate a more informed national discussion on Australia’s energy transition in the long term interests of consumers.

By providing a clear window on the data, we aim to address the information asymmetry between stakeholders and improve the productivity of those engaged in energy market discussions.

Our Team

Dylan McConnell

Energy Systems Researcher, UNSW Sydney

Dr Dylan McConnell is an energy systems researcher at the UNSW Sydney. He has extensive experience in analysing the electricity sector in Australia.

Dylan’s work is focused on electricity infrastructure and governance, and the energy transition in liberalised electricity markets. He also specialises in operations research and the optimisation of electricity systems.

His work is interdisciplinary and has been published in forums including the Journal of Energy Policy, the Journal of Applied Energy, the Electricity Journal, and the Journal of Environmental Sociology. His work can also be found on The Conversation.

Simon Holmes à Court

Product Manager

Steven Tan

Front-end Developer

Nik Cubrilovic

Back-end Developer

Scott Fairbanks

Design Director

Adam Grant

Communications Director

Transparency & Accountability

Open Electricity is developed under the Open, Accessible, Auditable Data (OAAD) framework. OAAD was developed by The Superpower Institute to accelerate Australia's climate energy transition.

Getting measurement right is a fundamental building block for transparent markets. The OAAD framework will ensure that critical climate and energy data is available to all, allowing industry, researchers and policy makers to better inform and improve their work.

Partnership & Funders

Trimtab Foundation logo

Trimtab Foundation

The Superpower Institute logo

Open Electricity is a Superpower Institute project. The mission of The Superpower Institute is to build practical knowledge required for a rapid, economically efficient and secure transition that positions Australia as a climate leader and Superpower in the low carbon world economy.

Boundless logo

The evolution of OpenNEM into Open Electricity, marked by a significant uplift in design and features, was made possible due to funding support from Boundless Earth. Boundless Earth’s purpose is to accelerate climate solutions at the scale and speed required for Australia to do its fair share to avert the climate crisis.

Energy Consumers Australia logo

The original OpenNEM project was supported by Energy Consumers Australia as part of its grants process for consumer advocacy projects and research projects for the benefit of consumers of electricity and natural gas. The project was developed and administered at the University of Melbourne’s Climate and Energy College.

Other Supporters

Digital Ocean logo

DigitalOcean — Cloud Infrastructure for Developers

Sentry logo

Sentry — Application Performance Monitoring & Error Tracking Software

Get involved

Developer Documentation

The Open Electricity project aims to make global energy network data more accessible to a wider audience through a website portal and data access APIs and tools.

Our client library enables access to the OpenNEM API and data sets.

View here

For developers interested in contributing to the project, accessing our codebase or utilising our APIs for custom applications, we warmly invite you to visit our GitHub repository

View Github